No other gods
Read Per-Arne Imsens important book in English!
From one of the world’s most secularised nations, a book that proclaims that Jesus is Lord!

When the words ”a really exciting thriller” is used to review a book about interfaith and church history, then there’s no doubt No other gods is one of a kind.
The world is shaking and the response from many religious leaders is to promote the idea that all faiths are simply different ways to the same God. To them, one world religion would be an effective tool for peace. But there’s a problem: Jesus, the ’Way’, stands in their way! So, to achieve their aims they must remodel Jesus as the founder of a religion, like all the others.
Intensive efforts are being made to use religion as the means of drawing all humanity into a false unity and a deceptive spirituality. Many have called No other gods “an eye-opener”, and at times you will probably be shocked by what you discover when you read the book.
Meanwhile, another movement is moving in the opposite direction. The movement back to the original church has already begun to accelerate in the world, even in nations where persecution is a driving force. Why? The believers have simply been reading their Bibles. People are abandoning the old accepted ways of “doing church” for even older approaches, rooted in the Scriptures and experienced in fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
NO OTHER GODS is a call to see a counter-culture emerge in our time — People across the world joining together through unity in the Spirit to confess JESUS CHRIST as the only Lord and Saviour.
History meets the book of revelation. Religious dialogue meets revival on rubbish dumps. Widespread heresy meets the radical message of Jesus. Luke-warm christianity meets Chinese martyrs, and much, much more. Do you have no prior knowledge of the subject? Then you have come to the right book! Thousands of hours of work and prayer has helped make this rich content come alive.
The highest leader of the Swedish Church receives the book from a former homeless brother

Quick facts
Author: Per-Arne Imsen
Co-writer: Cecilia Lind
Translators: Geoff & Inger Hawkes
Publisher: Pilgrim Media, Sweden
Length: 480 pages, 30 chapters
Source references: 702
Published: February, 2021
Original title: Inga andra gudar (2017, 2018, 2023, 2024)
Format: Paperback, Softcover with flaps
E-book: Available on Amazon kindle
Other languages: Ei muita jumalia (2023, finnish) Ningún otro dios (2024, spanish)
About the author
After 40 years as a pastor Per-Arne’s ministry has become increasingly international, both as a travelling preacher and as a TV-producer in Scandinavia.
Now with NO OTHER GODS Per-Arne makes his debut as an author. This is a book where a keen interest in theology, history of religion and God’s prophetic Word are brought together with the author’s own experience gained during his lifetime.
Book reviews
”With prophetic insight, the author carefully follows events in the world. He exposes and criticizes syncretism in all its forms and asserts the unique position of Christianity and Jesus as the only way to God. Imsen’s book is comprehensive and calls for contemplation, but it’s an eye-opener and in part quite frightening. Without a profound revival, there is a serious risk of us ending up practising a faith that has been watered down to nothing. First and foremost, the book ought to be read by priests, pastors and church leaders.”
Bo Wettéus, BTh
“This is a book that needs to be read by every pastor and church leader. In a comprehensible way, Per-Arne explains the secularisation that is taking place in the Free churches, and above all, in the Catholic Church. The book contains a wealth of quotations and statements made by leaders, which gives it credibility. Give it to your pastor or leader! One of the best books I’ve read. A real eye-opener.”
KG Larsson, pastor and theologian
“A very factual, accurate, informative and well written book. Very interesting and revealing reading. It is certainly worthy of attention and of being referred to in the public debate.”
Börje Norlén, freelance journalist
“It’s very readable despite its extensive content. The thing that causes me most joy, is how at the same time as it exposes the darkness and its lies, it also sheds light on the genuine essence of the Church and what true revival Christianity is all about.”
Kristofer Aspén, film maker
“I was caught up when I discovered how good it is. It was like reading a very exciting thriller. It’s well written, it states historical facts and has many source references. The author has done a work of great quality, having read and studied extensively, so that he has solid ground to stand on. I can understand that the research for this has taken some years. Throughout the book, Per-Arne Imsen points to Jesus. This is so comforting and so liberating.”
Christer Åberg, Apg29, Sweden’s biggest Christian blog
“My opinion is that Imsen’s thesis on revivalist Christianity versus the institutional Church down through history, and from a present and future perspective, contains so much collected substance of testimonies from Church history, undergirded by reference notes, that it ought to
be taken very seriously and given thorough consideration. The theme in No Other Gods is serious. Is it therefore a gloomy book? Not at all! Per-Arne Imsen has written a rich book. It is authoritative, but in no way a desk product. Clearly, it has sprung out of his reservoir of personal experience, his wrestling with and in-depth studies of the theme he presents. The purpose, and the urgent challenge, is to worship God only. It is a warning against sliding across into idol worship and it is worthy of serious contemplation.”
Bo Krister Ljungberg, DTh
“Interesting and relevant – extraordinary! Anyone interested in examining current world trends within the religious sphere – comparing for example the ecumenism of our day, and the conditions for it, with what the NT says about Jesus – certainly has the opportunity to do so here. We are somewhat unaccustomed to raising questions about those things that characterize the spirit of the time. Since we ourselves are kind of wrapped up in it, we don’t see it. It is a very long time since I read a book that puts its finger on so much that is worthy of our attention. I’m grateful to the author for taking the time and trouble to write this book. Recommended reading for all those with a keen interest in philosophy/religion, historically and today.”
Britt-Inger Lillbäck, Lecturer
“A unique book of its kind. No other author has so thoroughly and so penetratingly tackled the task of confronting and disproving the “Christian” spirituality – that is both old and modern… The author has, with God’s help, done the Church a great service by writing and publishing this hyper-contemporary book… A need for prophets is often expressed in Christian circles. Well, at least in this book Per-Arne Imsen appears to be one of them.”
Sigvard Svärd, author and Pentecostal pastor
“No Other Gods is an extremely well written book that takes us back to the origins of the Church and describes its development all the way from the first Church to the Church of our day, looking also into the future. Using a wealth of references to further literature, research and the Bible, Imsen defines what is biblical and what is human thought. He also gives an analysis of what has gone wrong and the dangers that we face today. Some church trends, both positive and negative, are being explained with the help of the Word of God. A very informative, sometimes frighteningly explicit, but also tremendously rewarding book that can give you necessary direction in today’s society, set against the glorious hope we have in Christ Himself.”
Helena Vestman, German missionary
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